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  • Provide a national platform to address climate change issues at the national level to incorporate them into the development process.
  • Function as the form of dedicated institutional mechanism to undertake climate change responses including development of relevant policies and programs.
  • Liaise with line agencies at national and sub-national levels for identifying priorities and developing mechanisms to implement national policies on climate change.
  • Facilitate climate change related research and distribution of research outcomes to trigger policy reforms and actions.
  • Liaise with the Secretariat to the UNFCCC and be responsible for preparing documentation in connection with Sri Lanka's participation at COP meetings and other climate change related forums.
  • Provide a one-stop facility to disseminate information relating to the implementation of the decisions taken at meetings of UNFCCC-COP, Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement.
  • Serve as Designated Authority for different climate change related bodies.


  • National Focal Point to the UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement.
  • Designated National Authority for Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).
  • National Designated Authority for Green Climate Fund (GCF).
  • National Designated Entity for Climate Technology Center and Network (CTCN).
  • Formulation of policies on climate change and facilitation for implementation.
  • Facilitation for implementing appropriate adaptation measures to meet adverse effects of climate change.
  • Initiation of measures that would mitigate emissions of GHG and enhance sinks and reserves.
  • Submission of national communications and Biennial Update Reports (BURs) on climate changes to the UNFCCC.
  • Development of national inventories on GHG emissions and baselines.
  • Promotion of technology transfers in all relevant sectors.
  • Promotion of scientific, technological, socio-economic and other research on climate change.
  • Dissemination of information and knowledge on climate change and capacity buildings.

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Our Team

L RandeniMr. Leel Randeni

b dummyMr. Sanjaya Kariyawasam
Deputy Director

Ms. K.K.A. Chamani Kumarasinghe
Assistant Director

assistant director air resource ozone unit st inokaMs. S.T. Inoka
Assistant Director

b dummyAssistant Director

b dummyAssistant Director

Climate Change